The Red Top serves gifted students in second and third grade with Project LEAP. LEAP stands for Learning, Enrichment, and Progress. We aspire to foster a love for learning in these gifted students, to enrich their school experience, and to provide the tools they need to progress through school and beyond.
Students selected for the program will be challenged and motivated with Project Lead the Way Launch activities. They’ll solve real-world problems that engineers, inventors, doctors, computer programmers, astronomers, and other professionals use in their daily jobs. Students learn about motion and force by working with wheels and axles. They build model houses to learn about structure and design and sundials to trace the sun’s movement. They view x-rays to determine bodily injuries and create digital characters that come to life through computer coding.
Our curriculum meets special standards for gifted education as set forth by the Mississippi Department of Education to develop success skills, affective skills, creativity, information literacy, communication skills and thinking skills.
To enroll in LEAP, a student may be referred by a parent, teacher, counselor, administrator, peer, self, or anyone else having reason to believe that the student might be intellectually gifted.